Sunday, 25 October 2015

Pop Art

As promised here are some of the pop art pictures I have made, some are celebrities and others a character from a fandom (or a friends fandom:) I've enlarged the pictures for better viewing.

Emma and Hook "Captain Swann" (Once Upon a Time)

Emma (OUAT)

Oprah Winfrey

Jack Sparrow portrayed by Johnny Depp (Pirates of the Caribbean) in secondary colours

Will and Elizabeth (Pirates of the Caribbean) portrayed by Keira Knightley and Orlando Bloom

Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean)

Bill Cosby (The Cosby Show years)

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (young)

Princess Diana


Shades of Purple

Primary colour scheme

Secondary colour scheme

Negative space

Realistic colours

Album cover from Bad

Sparkly shirt

Sparkly outfit

Anti-gravity lean from Smooth Criminal

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Ooh! You're really good at popart/realistic art :D
    I especially liked Bill Cosby and Emma Swan......... they were all awesome, though :D

  2. Thank you! We learned about this artform in my visual arts class, and I now consider it my art style, I enjoy this form more than the others that i've learned so far.
